There's More Than One Kind of Intervention?!

Recovery Allies ARISE intervention services, Seattle

There are few things in life as daunting as finding the appropriate help for a loved one or friend suffering from substance use disorder, mental health issues, duel diagnosis and behavioral compulsions. There are many resources and many service providers. But finding the right one is pivotal to insuring a successful long-term outcome.

Many families are overwhelmed by these choices and the stakes that come with them. Shows like Intervention, while raising awareness of the hazards of addiction, also depict family intervention as confrontational, shame-inducing, and successful.

Today we seek to dispel those myths and explain a different method of intervention, the ARISE® model created by Dr. Judith Landau, that we at Recovery Allies practice.

Briefly going back to Intervention – the show demonstrates what is referred to as the Johnson model of intervention. Families and/or friends meet with an intervention specialist or counselor privately, determine a time to confront the concerned party, and then invite them to a place where they are often surprised by a large group of their closest friends and family so that they can be encouraged to seek help. Boundaries are drawn, consequences for forsaking treatment are outlined, and the person of concern is then given a choice to accept treatment immediately or endure the consequences outlined.

Though the Johnson model is constructed with good intentions and explicitly emphasizes care in its outline, it focuses solely on the addict and their behavior without addressing any dysfunction in the family system. While it has proven to be a successful way to get people to enter treatment, its effect over the course of care wanes relatively quickly. Studies show that completion rates for those admitted to treatment under the Johnson model are very low.

Another factor in this ineffectiveness is the lack of regulation over interventionists. At present, there is no governmental standard for those performing interventions. While there are many reputable and responsible intervention specialists practicing a variety of models, the truth is that there are too many people practicing with no formal certification or education in the field.

ARISE® Interventions with Comprehensive Care are designed to close these gaps and provide long-term solutions for families, support systems and the people of concern for whom they are initiated. There is no blame, shame or guilt. There is no confrontation. ARISE-certified interventionists undergo extensive training and supervision prior to practicing privately.

When ARISE® interventions are initiated, families and their person of concern are all given the same information simultaneously. There are no secrets, there are no sidebars. As Dr. Landau says, “addiction always wins 1-on-1.” When everyone is privy to the same information, manipulation is not allowed air to breathe. Truth is allowed to grow and thrive.

Further, ARISE® interventionists work with families over an initial course of six months. If the person of concern elects to go to treatment, families continue to work with their interventionist and their loved one to ensure that they are able to reincorporate in to a healthier family system upon their return. If a person of concern declines to participate, the interventionist continues to work with their support system to create opportunities for understanding, compassion and ultimately, success.

The creation of a healing ecosystem around the individual and family, without judgment and shame, creates an atmosphere for growth and achievement. Statistics bear this out: ARISE® gets over 83% of addicted individuals into treatment in three weeks. 96% enter treatment in six months. 61% are sober by the end of the first year, with 10% more using less.

Dr. Landau’s vision of long-term support for families and their loved ones is practiced by Recovery Allies and allows us to provide empathic, systemic care for our clients without ostracizing them from the people trying to help them. If you or someone you know is in need of comprehensive care for substance use disorder, mental health issues, duel diagnosis, or behavioral compulsions, don’t delay: call or email today.

Additional Resources

ARISE® Network Website

Dr. Judith Landau TedX Talk - Dr. Landau speaks about intergenerational trauma and recovery.

Addiction Pro article about Johnson Method - Interventionist David Brown analyzes the Johnson method.