Posts in Resources
Unveiling the Complex Link: High-Potency Marijuana and Induced Psychotic or Manic States

The growing popularity of high-potency marijuana raises concerns beyond the euphoric experiences it offers. Recent studies have shed light on a concerning connection between high-potency cannabis and induced psychotic or manic states. In this blog post, we delve into the effects of high-potency marijuana and explore the intricate relationship it shares with mental health.

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Watch: Enabling, Part 1. What is it?

That desire to help and to be of service can become its own addictive behavior pattern. And then I get to start asking myself an honest question. Can I be compassionately honest? Is it my agenda, or is it my loved one's agenda? When there's more than two people involved, there could be multiple agendas that are at play. And am I able to have that sort of challenging, authentic, open conversation around what are the creative solutions that we're looking for?

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Safe Passage: What Is It?

The process of getting help for a loved one, no matter your means, can be daunting. If you have no previous experience seeking rehabilitative services, there is a lot of self-education required to make sure you understand the process. Most of us have heard of drug interventions or have seen them in television and movies. But one of the key roles in a successful intervention is performed by someone other than the interventionist. And today that’s what we’re going to discuss. What is a sober transport?

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